Today I want to share with you about a 4-day challenge that we just wrapped up. It was packed with tips, strategies, and habits to help you kickstart your weight loss journey. By developing the habits taught in the challenge, you develop the skills to lose your weight without dieting.

That’s right. You don’t need another diet to lose weight.
Rather, you can create habits that become your new baseline. This is great because your habits will work for you to lose your weight. When your habits work for you you can reach your goals, and keep your weight off. 

You won’t have to worry about backsliding, falling off the wagon, or starting over on Monday. Instead of starting over, you get to keep moving forward. Towards progress.


What is the Weight Loss Habits Challenge

We are going to go over the habits I taught briefly, to give you an idea of what we did in the challenge.


Day 1

We talked about what to eat for weight loss, using the weight loss plate method. This is a simple visual technique to use at meal time. You can use it to determine if the food on your plate is pushing you towards your goals, or further away from them. 

The weight loss plate is simple, and can be used in any eating situation. Just check to see if half of your plate has fruits and vegetables, ¼ protein and ¼ carbs.


Day 2


We discussed moving your body, and creating a habit of being active 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. You can pick from three types of exercise. These include cardio, resistance training, and flexibility. 

Getting a mix of these three types of exercise can help you lose weight, build muscle and maintain weight you’ve lost.


Day 3


We covered hydration, and how much water you actually need to lose weight. Working up to drinking half your body weight in ounces of water per day is a great goal to strive for.


Day 4


We discussed goal setting and tracking progress. Weight loss is easier if you take time each week to set goals and track the progress you are making to reach them.


Action Step:


If you missed the 4 day Weight loss Habit Challenge, but want to learn how to implement these habits, register for the next live challenge!

I will be teaching on these topics live in our private Facebook group at least every 6 weeks. You can register for the challenge here.