As a busy mom, do you ever feel like weight loss is just too overwhelming to tackle? Between caring for your little ones, keeping up with work, and barely finding time to sit down, carving out time for yourself can feel impossible. But what if I told you that massive transformations don’t require drastic lifestyle overhauls? Instead, they can come from small, intentional improvements—just 1% better each day.

This idea is called The 1% Rule, and it’s a game-changer for postpartum weight loss. Here’s how embracing small daily changes can help you lose weight sustainably without sacrificing your time, energy, or sanity.

What Is the 1% Rule?

The 1% Rule is about focusing on manageable improvements rather than sweeping changes. It’s simple: aim to be just 1% better today than yesterday.

Think about it this way—if you add an extra glass of water today, a 10-minute walk tomorrow, and swap out one snack for a healthier option later this week, these small actions compound over time, creating lasting results.

How Small Changes Add Up

Small wins build momentum and confidence. Consistency is the key to seeing real progress. Here are a few 1% improvements you can think about adding into your daily routine: 

    • Drink More Water: Add just one extra glass during the day. Hydration helps with energy, focus, and appetite regulation.
    • Move More: Walk for 10 extra minutes. Even pacing the house while holding your baby counts.
    • Eat More Veggies: Add a handful of baby carrots or a small side salad to a meal.
    • Mindful Snacking: Swap a processed snack for something nourishing with protein and fiber, like Greek yogurt or nuts.
    • Improve Sleep: Go to bed 15 minutes earlier to work on better rest.

These tweaks don’t have to be perfect—they just need to happen. What matters is the habit of showing up consistently, even in small ways.

The Power of Compounding Changes

Why does the 1% Rule work so well? The magic lies in compounding. Just as saving a few dollars consistently grows your bank account over time, these daily improvements build better habits and long-term success.

Imagine if you walk an extra 10 minutes every day for a month—that’s over an extra hour of movement each week. Adding a glass of water each day keeps you hydrated without it feeling like a chore. These small shifts might not seem like much in isolation, but together they create momentum for real change.

Journal Prompts for Reflection and Change

Taking time to reflect can help identify areas for improvement and build awareness around habits you want to shift. Use these journal prompts to get started: 

    1. What does a typical day look like for me as a breastfeeding mom? What are my biggest challenges?
    2. What small change can I make to feel more energized and balanced throughout the day?
    3. How do I currently nourish my body, and how does that impact my milk supply and energy?
    4. What’s one area where I feel proud of my current habits? How can I build on that success?
    5. What is one tweak I can implement this week to move closer to my goals without overwhelming myself?

Journaling with these questions helps you uncover actionable insights and empowers you to make meaningful, lasting changes.

Your Next Step Toward Success

Ready to start your own journey toward small daily improvements? Check out my on-demand training, How to Lose Weight Postpartum Without Sacrificing Your Milk Supply. It’s full of actionable tips to help you reach your weight loss goals while keeping your body nourished.

Remember: It’s not about perfection; it’s about progress. Just keep showing up and getting a little better each day. You’ve got this, mama!

If you found these tips helpful, share this post with a fellow mom or leave a comment about your favorite small change. Let’s inspire each other to stay on track, one small step at a time.