
FIT4 Method

Manifestating Weight Loss


Habits and Mindset

Podcast Episodes

Weight Loss Sabotage

Emotional Eating

Goal Setting

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6 Summer Weight Loss Tips

Today I'm sharing 6 tips to keep you on track with your weight loss goals during the summer! This summer has been incredibly hot, probably one of the hottest on record! Listen to this episode for my tips on how to stay active and stick with your goals!  

Getting Back to Basics

In this episode I'm sharing 5 quick tips with you to help you get back to basics on you weight loss manifestation journey.  When you google weight loss you can find tons of rules or diets to follow, and honestly, most of them conflict with each other. These tips will...

Limiting Beliefs Keeping You from Losing Weight

I’ve always been overweight, no matter what I try…, it’s too hard to change…, I have no willpower around certain foods… When you have these limiting beliefs, or lies, it sabotages your ability to lose weight. You can tell that you have limiting beliefs if you’re stuck...

Can You Use Manifestation for Weight Loss

Have you heard of the law of attraction? How about manifestation? If so, have you ever tried it to help you lose weight? In this episode, we are going to explore what the law of attraction and manifestation is, and how you can use it to lose weight. The law of...

Tackle Holiday Parties With Ease

Holiday parties don't have to be a cause of stress where weight loss is involved.  In this episode I'm sharing 6 of my best tips for getting through holiday parties this season while losing weight. 

Goal Setting in 2023 and Empowered Eating

Are you ready to set some goals for 2023? In this episode I'm sharing my top 3 goal setting tips so you can get the ball rolling in 2023. I also share about my brand new course Empowered Eating where I teach you how to balance your meals and cut through the...