
FIT4 Method

Manifestating Weight Loss


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Weight Loss Sabotage

Emotional Eating

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Reflection on 2022

How did 2022 go for you?  Did you reach your weight loss goals? Or are you still working towards them? Grab a journal and reflect on these questions, and listen on to hear my answers! What progress have you made this year towards your weight loss goals? What did you...

3 Mistakes I Made When I Started My Weight Loss Journey

There have been many mistakes I made on my weight loss journey so far (and I'll probably make many more). In this episode I'm sharing the 3 biggest mistakes I've made while persuing weight loss so that you don't have to.

Don’t Let Overeating at One Meal Derail the Rest of Your Year

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Just curious, did you overeat yesterday? If so its totally understandable, and not the end of your weight loss journey! One meal does not need to derail your progress for the rest of the year.  In this episode I'm sharing tips...

3 Big Mistakes You are Making with Weight Loss

There are many mistakes you can make on your weight loss journey. Today I am sharing the three most common, and how to overcome them. Are you making these three mistakes that will hold you back from losing weight?

Prevent Overeating This Thanksgiving

Are you worried you'll overeat this Thanksgiving? More than any other meal of the year, Thanksgiving dinner usually leaves us feeling overly stuffed (pun intended) and feeling like you'll pop! None of this is helpful when you have weight loss goals you are trying to...