Have you heard of the law of attraction? How about manifestation? If so, have you ever tried it to help you lose weight?

In this episode, we are going to explore what the law of attraction and manifestation is, and how you can use it to lose weight. The law of attraction first come about in the 19th century as a philosophy that our thoughts helped attract, either what we desire or expect. Basically, what you focus your mind and energy and will come back to you. This is why mindset is one of the most important parts of your weight loss journey. If you believe your diet is short-term but the result will never last, they won’t.

On the other hand, if you believe you have the power to change your life and your habits to live your healthiest life, that is what you will create more of.

There are a few great techniques that can help you to use the law of attraction to manifest, or bring about the results you want, instead of more of the same.

Vision Board

First make a vision board, where you can see what you want it acts as a reminder of what you are working towards. Choose motivating quotes, photos of how you’d like to look, activities you want to do anything you can think of that you want to be able to achieve at your goal weight. Even write what your goal weight is, put the number where you will notice it often.

Put your vision board somewhere you’ll see it often. The fridge, your closet door, the bathroom mirror, your phone or computer screen saver, anywhere you know you can look at it daily.

Use Visualization

Visualize using your vision board, or a quick meditation session each day visualize your dream life, dream body, and how it feels to live to live that way. What does a day in the life look like at your goal weight? What do you eat each day? What kind of exercises are you doing? Visualize your best day at your goal weight in as much detail as you can.

Write it out

Pull out a piece of paper or your journal and write out as much of your visualization as you can. What time would you get up in the morning? What do you have for breakfast? What are you doing for work? Don’t leave anything out.

Use affirmations

Affirmations are words of positivity, reminders or mottos that you repeat yourself to maintain a positive mindset towards your goals. I use affirmations constantly to remind myself of what I’m working on, or to reset my beliefs if I’m having a bad day. Most of the time that I’m feeling bad about how slowly I’m losing weight, having a bad body image day or feeling unmotivated, I rely on affirmations to pull me out of it. Here are some of my favorites that you can use to get started with.

 – I am building habits that the last a lifetime

 – I can stop eating whenever I want

– I love myself enough to take care of my body

– I can do hard things

Use a Talisman

A Talisman or an amulet is an object that you can link to reaching your goals. By using a physical object as a reminder every time you see touch, or wear it you’ll be reminded of your goals. The more often you think of your goals, the better able you are to manifest them. After working in a Rock and Gem store for a few years, I’ve learned that many people use crystal stones or jewelry to act as a talisman they can wear to help them achieve goals. Whether you believe crystals have magical healing powers or you are relying on it as a physical representation of your goals, having an object remind you of what you’re working on can be a powerful tool when manifesting weight loss. Here are some common stones used for manifesting health and supporting change weight loss in your life.

-Citrine great for manifesting change, confidence, and personal power.

-Rose quartz use for self-love, compassion and forgiveness

-Smokey Quartz used for grounding yourself and cleaning out negative energies and emotions. I tend to use this one when I’m having a bad day, or struggling with emotional eating.

-Moonstone is associated with femininity and is used to help process emotions

 -Labradorite is the favorite stone of mine because the stone itself can look so different depending on the angle and the light. It ranges from grey, to purple, blue, green, yellow, pink or peach. It represents transformation which is exactly what a weight loss journey is.

You can either carry your talisman in a bag or your pocket, so it stays with you or you can wear it as a piece of jewelry. I tend to do both, wearing jewelry that reminds me of the goals I’m working on and carrying favorite pieces of stone in a pouch in my backpack purse, so I can pull them out to look at when I’m feeling unmotivated. If you’d like, I have a Jewelry store that my husband and I still run that you can check out talismans from or you may already have one you can use for this purpose. Do the work. Manifestation is not a passive process. Once you’ve done your vision board, visualizations, journalling, and found a talisman to represent your weight loss goals and journey, you need to start working toward the dream day you visualized and wrote about. Think about one thing from your dream day at your goal weight you can start implementing immediately.

Want support to go through this process? That’s what I’m here for. send me your questions on IG @ weightloss.habits.nutritionist or send me an email to Mallory@dailyhabitsnutrition.com